Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cellulite Treatment and Reduction Plan.

Are you serious about cellulite treatment and cellulite reduction with lasting results? Yes? Then we offer a seven point plan of attack:

Most people with a cellulite problem understand that there are no quick fixes when it comes to cellulite treatment. Discipline and daily cellulite treatments are required to get rid of cellulite and reduce it’s appearance with lasting results. Cellulite is not simple fat, but a way in which your body reacts to a build-up of toxins in the connective tissue in the skin.

What causes Cellulite:
• Poor circulation
• Poor lymph drainage
• Lack of oxygen
• Unbalanced endocrine system
• Water retention
• Allergy - especially to wheat and milk products
• Hormonal changes
• Toxicity - both environmental and/or dietary
In order to fight cellulite we need to address circulation, water retention and toxicity in your body. This is going to be a combined effort of addressing lifestyle and daily cellulite treatments.
1. Increase blood circulation: - Exfoliate - Skin brushing with real bristles—upward movements in the shower (lymph drainage)
2. Exercise- A large part of treating cellulite is creating a lifestyle which helps manage fat in the body. By building muscle mass in cellulite affected areas we help burn fat which avoids it turning into more cellulite. Muscles work to stretch and smooth dimpled skin. As a result legs will be firmer and you will feel and look great! Recommended types of exercise to treat cellulite prone areas such as the thighs and buttocks are: Walking, stair climbing, yoga, Pilates, squats, Martial arts, kick boxing, running around with children...
3. Massage every day - to treat cellulite it is important to massage cellulite affected areas daily with a body brush. You can do so in the shower or on dry skin. To help increase circulation under the skin massage with an exfoliating body wash. This also helps to stimulate blood flow and get fat cells moving elsewhere!
4. Natural Cellulite Oil combined especially to treat cellulite - add to bath with Epson salts to penetrate skin by osmosis. Whilst in the bath, pinch and pummel cellulite areas to assist in breaking down fatty deposits.
5. Increase Oxygen flow- breathe deeply. Breathing is vital and helps the body detox.
6. Relaxation to shift toxins, waste and fat.
7. Address your Diet - Increase of vitamins and minerals such as raw vegetables including bean sprouts - all soaked and scrubbed. Cut out Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, drink lots of water to flush out those toxins.
Natural Cellulite treatment has shown to increase circulation and eliminate toxins, shrink fat cells and drain fluids, which results in firm, toned thighs and/or buttocks with restored and increased elasticity of your skin, which helps prevent the formation of new cellulite!
Important Note: Natural Cellulite Oil does not contain aminophylline, a harsh chemical used to treat asthma. While some cellulite cream manufacturers claim aminophylline reduces cellulite, this is not proven by substantial research.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stretch Marks - Pregnancy Skin Care

Aloe Vera promotes the development of collagen, a substance that gives your skin its elasticity, resulting in firmer and toned skin, which is more able to prevent Stretch Marks.

To assist your skin with the intensity of stretch marks and prevent stretch marks by apply Organic Aloe Vera Repair Oil while you skin is still wet. You will see a fine sheen that forms on your skin - protecting, whilst the Aloe Vera re-hydrates your skin at the cell level. This will assist in promoting the elasticity of your skin and minimise dryness, which all helps to prevent Stretch Marks.
Our best Pregnancy skin care tip is Aloe Vera Face and Body Cream, which contains Chamomile and Lavender, chosen to relieve muscular tightness and stress. Essential Lavender has a rich history with expectant and new mothers. In the 1600s midwives crushed and heated lavender flowers for women who had back pain during pregnancy. The flowers were also an important part of the birthing experience, and were said to raise the spirits of the new mother, baby, and their attending midwife. Chamomile is soothing and gentle in a time of sensitivity.
Developed to be used comfortably whilst trying to fall pregnant, as pregnancy skin care or for those who have given birth to enjoy with their newly born(s) and of course their partner.
Stretch Mark Treatment and Pregnancy Skin Care without toxins or chemicals for peace of mind.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Acne Treatment and Acne Products with Aloe Vera work!

Attention all Acne sufferers: Acne can be treated and Acne Scars significantly reduced with Aloe Vera Skin Care Products. The benefits of Acne Treatment and Acne Products with Aloe Vera are explained here:

Studies have shown that the astringent properties of the Aloe Vera plant’s gel counteract acne infection and help cure pimples with little or no acne scars occurring. Aloe Vera has a pH factor similar to that of the skin. The pH of skin varies from pH4 to pH6. Aloe Vera’s natural pH is about 4.3, depending on weather and soil conditions, so it’s very close to that of human skin. Acne products with Aloe Vera help to restore the skin to its natural pH, making it an effective and natural Acne Treatment Product.

Aloe Vera is a mild anaesthetic, with antibacterial and antifungal properties, containing anti-inflammatory fatty acids all essential for acne treatment and acne prevention.

The six antiseptics naturally contained in Aloe Vera soothe inflammation from pimples and irritated skin and reduce the chance of acne infection by deeply cleansing and moisturising your skin. These components have shown to relieving itching, swelling, redness and pain from acne and conditions like eczema alike. Aloe Vera is a natural moisturiser, fragrance, colour and oil free.

Aloe Vera helps to keep facial pores unclogged and gives skin a healthy glow because enzymatic activity speeds up blood circulation and removes dead skin, clearing acne and pimples. Aloe Vera penetrates rapidly and deeply and is able to re-hydrate, heal and encourage skin renewal, which prevents and reduces Acne scars. Aloe Vera coats the skin with a protective layer which minimises the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, further preventing Acne and pimples.

Aloe Vera is cooling, soothing and moisturising, and it stimulates the growth of new skin cells and tissue with natural steroids, enzymes and amino acids. A formidable natural Acne treatment product which is pure and affordable.

As with any acne treatment, Aloe Vera users must be patient. Some people plagued with acne and pimples report that before their skin condition improves, they get worse because impurities are made to surface, but when they follow a regular skin care routine (cleanse, tone, and moisturise) using aloe Vera skin care products, their acne and skin tone improves. Please refer to our skin care routine for full instructions.

Treat yourself to 100% reliable and affordable acne treatment products and skin care products without fillers, toxins, artificial fragrances or chemicals...Non-irritant and gentle enough for sufferers of allergy, hay fever or asthma.